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Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Noun Clauses

Noun Clauses

Putting It All Together
Expansion Activity

TOPICS:                     Workplace /Professional Values and Culture

  • Read the following interview with an expert on Workplace Culture.
  • Take three separate parts of the dialogue and rewrite it using noun clauses (reported speech, embedded questions) and appropriate verbs.
  • Post your sentences.


(See first two lines of dialog)

Mark Molland asked Dr. Rau whether the work-life balance policies have been effective.
Dr. Rau replied that they were ineffective whenever employees felt inhibited or were prevented from using these policies.

Mark Molland (MM):So, in your view are work-life policies likely to be ineffective?

Dr. Rau (R.):               Making work-life balance policies available is an important step in helping employees balance their work and personal lives. However, these policies will be ineffective when employees feel inhibited or are prevented from using these policies.

MM:                           What are the conditions for ensuring that these policies actually help employees?

R:                                When introducing policies aimed at helping employees balance their work and personal lives, it is important to ensure that the workplace culture supports employees’ use of these policies.

MM:                           Can you list some of the specific benefits for both employers and employees?

R:                                A supportive workplace culture has been associated with a variety of benefits for both employees and employers, including higher levels of affective commitment to the organization, lower intention to leave the organization, higher levels of job satisfaction, lower levels of stress and the experience of less conflict between work and family responsibilities.

MM:                           What in your view is the single most important factor in employees using the policies and their general attitude towards the company?

R:                                The culture in the organization is crucial in determining whether employees will use the policies and their general attitudes towards the organization. For employees and employers to enjoy the benefits of work-life balance policies, the culture and work environment need to be addressed when implementing such policies. 

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